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My name is Kim Finnegan. My husband, Phoenix, and I own and operate Da Beans Green in Mountain View, Hawaii. We moved to the Big Island in November of 2020. Growing up in Minnesota, I knew Hawaii would be my family's home ever since I was a little girl and my Hawaiian aunt would tell me stories of growing up here. It always felt like home to me long before I ever arrived.

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Community Support

Since arriving on Big Island we've explored the land before deciding to open our own business. We have been working towards becoming a strong fixture in the community for a little over a year since opening Da Beans Green. It has basically only been my husband and I working in the cafe six or seven days a week since we opened. Even though most of our customers are tourists we always had a passion for benefiting the locals on the island as well with community events such as a Kid Friendly Halloween Party, Donation based dinners for Thanksgiving and Christmas for those with no family or funds to celebrate, not to mention a toy giveaway at Christmas courtesy of donations from the group who helps homeless keiki here on the Big Island. For a period of time, we even hosted an open mic night to support the arts in the community but were unable to sustain it due to lack of support. One of our main community focus has been opening the cafe to sell local artist work! Many places that sell art on this island will often charge a 30-60% commission but we tell the artists to list with whatever price they want and then we add 10% just for putting it out for sale and keeping it safe. 


In addition to supporting the arts, one of our other major interests is supporting health in the community. Before opening the cafe, I was offering free BEMBER sessions which promote turning the body back into a health machine, and was doing this from our home in Aineloa. The months I did this created a pretty strong group of people that would come each week to gain knowledge about health and healing, not to mention feel much better from BEMER treatments. I never charged for these services because I'm a big believer that most people are not taught enough in life about how to care for their bodies and it just didn't feel right asking for money. Once we started the cafe we cont to offer these services for free from our new location in Mountain View.

My Story and Need for Support

Anyone who knows me would probably agree I've been a very independent, take-charge, do everything-myself kind of person. I have a very hard time asking for help, mostly because the few times I have really needed it in life and have asked I wasn't provided any which can be devastating when you're already struggling. Within the last few months, I've come to another junction where I have to ask for support from the local community here on the Big Island or anyone with a kind and generous spirit who knows what it's like to face hard choices.


One of the reasons I'm so passionate about health now is because for a decade I had to fight for my life to overcome mercury poisoning from the 15 amalgam fillings (50% mercury/50% silver) that I had in my mouth from my early 20s until 2017. This situation is a story all on its own, but needless to say, it was a hell-on-earth experience and I've tried my best to share my story with as many people as I can in the hope they wouldn't go through something like it.


In just the last two months I learned that I have a birth defect. It was discovered while I was at the Emergency Room in Hilo during a gallbladder attack from gallstones after two weeks of being very ill. A CT scan of my body revieled a very obvious issue called a Morgagni Hernia. It is rather rare with about 2 - 5% of people experiencing it. It is something usually detected at birth or soon after because of the systems exibited and is usually "corrected" by surgery as a child. This hernia means there is a hole between the body and the diahphram that leaves space which shouldn't exist.  


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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